Follow the life and times of Hamilton singer/songwriter Jacob Moon, as he reflects on art, music, spiritual things, travel and creativity.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Things are progressing nicely with the one-man show. After meeting with lighting/visual effects/gear guru Warren 'Wiggy' Toal yesterday, I have generated a page full of rough notes and schematics (see below).

It feels good to know that everytime I talk about the concept of the show to someone, they 'get it' and are excited to see what it will look and sound like. This was the case with Dana over at LiveTourArtists, who heard me talk about it for 30 seconds on his answering machine and was instantly intruiged. This has led to interest on his part in selling it to small theatres in Ontario (100-500 seats), starting in 2011, if I can get the show ready by the fall.

1 comment: said...

Hi Jacob,
The first time I saw you it seemed that half your show was covers of songs I loved from back then. This show you're planning sounds wonderful!

Lynn in Sharbot Lake